Indian shooters Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore and Abhinav Bindra will blog during the upcoming Beijing Olympic Games. They are part of the Lenovo blogging programme launched in which athletes will share their views and feelings before and during their athletic events. The program is a historic shift in the Olympic movement –- these are the first Olympic Games where athletes will blog during the competition time period itself. The programme involves a blog and a website for athletes training to compete in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
Until 2008, athletes were allowed to write blogs only until the opening day of the Olympic Games, and could then resume their blogs after the conclusion of the Games. This year, new regulations from the International Olympic Committee enable athletes to write blogs about their experiences off the field of play during the actual 17 days of competition.
Lenovo has provided IdeaPad and other notebook PCs and video cameras to Rajyavardhan Rathore, Abhinav Bindra and more than 100 other athletes from more than 25 countries and 29 sports who have signed up to participate in the blogging program. Their blogs are being presented on the website Lenovo is a Worldwide Partner of the Olympic Games and the Olympic Torch Relay, providing more than 30,000 pieces of computing equipment to manage the operations of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Athletes also will be able to use Lenovo internet lounges inside the Olympic Village, using PCs to maintain blogs, e-mail, and surf the Internet.
“The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will create the first truly Web 2.0 experience, one in which athletes, fans, supporters and television viewers interact and collaborate over the Internet," says Deepak Advani, Lenovo senior vice president and chief marketing officer. “We want to provide personal computing technology that helps athletes engage with a global community that cares passionately about competition, training, and the kinds of experiences that have gone unheralded until now. We want to help athletes achieve their dreams, and share those dreams with the world."
Lenovo began offering personal computing technology to athletes in April 2008, asking them simply to use IdeaPad notebooks and video cameras to share their experiences through a blog. Lenovo does not require athletes to blog about their usage of Lenovo personal computing equipment, and does not require athletes to sign contracts to participate. Many have never blogged before, and Lenovo is sharing tools and advice to help them get started.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Indian Olympic Athletes on Lenovo Blogger Programs
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